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This is the form used when the molecular weight of a solute is determined by cryoscopy. A dilute solution of the solute is prepared with a known mass composition. The preceding equation is applied to the solvent, whosedecrease in melting point is measured. The enthalpy term in this equation is calculated either from published data or by prior calibration. It is assumed that since the solute is dilute, the activity coefficient of the solvent is equal to one, so that the molar composition xt can be calculated. By comparison with the mass composition, the molecular weight of solute is deduced.
Of course if the solid phase is present in different crystalline forms (Fig. 2.14b) according to the temperature, then the calculations must be broken down into several steps, separated by transition temperatures while at the same time still based on the preceding reasoning.
Generally speaking deviations from ideality in the liquid phase must be taken into account; they are represented here by the activity coefficient y^. They depend on the temperature and composition and can be evaluated by means of the models that we have already presented (see Section It should be noted, however, that for a given binary mixture, the crystallization equilibria and vapor-liquid equilibria do not usually concern the same temperature range. This means that using activity coefficients acquired by vapor-liquid equilibrium measurements in order to calculate solid-liquid equilibria usually leads to temperature extrapolation. For example the binary methanol/water system has often been studied above 50°C, but until recently (Jose, 1997) there were no data available that could be used for a reliable assessment of the activity coefficient in the crystallization region.
The influence of the non-ideality model in the liquid phase can be important. Figure 2.15 can be used to compare the experimental values of crystallization temperatures of benzene in n-undecane/benzene mixtures and the diagrams calculated according to three assumptions: ideal solution, application of the UN1FAC model and finally the method proposed by Abdoul et al. (1991), mentioned earlier with respect to calculating vapor-liquid equilibria under pressure.
When there is a solid solution, the equilibrium equation is written:
f*tSxfyf= (2.70)
f*t xh and у,- stand for the fugacities of the component in the pure state, the mole fractions and the activity coefficients respectively, and the exponents L and S give the physical state, liquid or solid. The quotient fpL/ff's can be evaluated, as discussed earlier, by means of the heat of fusion and the differences in heat capacities as previously. The activity coefficients in the liquid phase will be calculated by means of one of the models covered earlier. In contrast, there are no data concerning the deviations from ideality in the solid phase and there is no reason for the ideality hypothesis to be applied, as shown by the fact that solubility in the solid phase is usually limited and often very small. There is no reason for the models proposed to calculate the deviations from ideality to be applied to the solid phase either. Factors such as the nature of the crystal lattice, its geometrical parameters can then take on a significant influence. It has, however, been proposed to transpose the concept of regular solutions to the solid phase in order to predict the paraffin crystallization equilibria (Won, 1989).
16-02-2015, 12:52
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Это IT-Translation Services.
Они вряд-ли возьмутся за перевод книги по химии и технологии.
Сайт у них к тому же не работает - заказ и контакты, - нет доступа :D
Пример текста есть - дай перевод.
ну, тут физическая химия скорее
цена/сроки? (перевел сходу, некоторые слова ессно требуют словаря (2-3 слова))
ЗЫ: не химик, но из ессных наук
18-02-2015, 12:38
Есть человек, по образованию инженер, техническим английским владеет на уровне "читаю-перевожу", некоторые термины со словарем. Готов взяться за перевод. По стоимости 250р за страницу, при условии что будет работать только в свободное от работы время по будням, ну в общем по времени сказал что потребуется около двух месяцев на 500 страниц. Да, работает по специальности на одном из заводов росатома
18-02-2015, 13:29
Я ему отправлю. Завтра, думаю, пришлет перевод.
19-02-2015, 11:53
Он слился. Лень говорит.
вадику вон дай, он по 100 рублей со словарем возьмется. Сам потом поправишь по смыслу. Хоть заняты будете чем то оба и вадик бабла подымет
Я за перевод одной книжки по цветовым пространствам (шла как доп к колориметру) в своё время купил неплохой телевизор. Тут нужен человек с техническим образованием и мало-мальским представлением о физической химии. Ну и времени это отнимет, конечно, немало. Потому что такие спецы (а человек, умеющий переводить такие тексты - определённо, с головой дружит) без дела не сидят и заняты плотно.
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