Просмотр полной версии : Какого сайта Вам не хватает?

Тарифы: МТС, Билайн, МегаФон
Выгодные непубличные тарифы МТС, Билайн, МегаФон, Безлимитный интернет ✅
08-12-2008, 23:17
В наше время сделать сайт совсем нетрудно (особенно заказав ИнформБюро или ГрандРашну :)). Какого сайта Вам не хватает? Обсудим и сделаем

Darkness at night
08-12-2008, 23:20
С кнопочкой такой, чтоб нажал - и хорошо...

08-12-2008, 23:25
Такую кнопку все ищут :) Что более реального можете предложить?

09-12-2008, 11:00
нащот кнопки это даа... нажал и всем хорошо :)

09-12-2008, 11:03
козлик сделай кнопощку, остальное все есть

10-12-2008, 16:11
помимо кнопки "Сделать хорошо" предложения есть?

Вадим Викторович
10-12-2008, 17:40
Бюро решил сам себя попиарить так ненавящщиво?

10-12-2008, 17:43
выбирай любую нишу и делай там сайт, сами люди не ломануцо туда, важно создать условия, чтобы туда попадали те, кому он нужен. крутость сайта заключается в размере аудитории, которая им пользуется! а тематика любая может быть.

10-12-2008, 17:54
вот тебе рейтинг крутейших сайтов америки, упорядочен по размеру аудиторий. конечно в России столько народу нет и милионы людей не у всех есть. но пару десятков тыщ лично я могу подбросить если что :) конечно не бесплатно или в обмен на столько же другого типа аудитории. ты главное сайт сделай в любой нише, а уже потом туда людей загоняй. проще всего пользователей можно купить за деньги.

1google.com137M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more affluent, more educated audience. 2yahoo.com125M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more educated crowd. 3msn.com94M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a adult, more educated audience. 4live.com92M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more educated crowd. 5wikipedia.org76M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a more educated, younger audience. 6youtube.com70M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more youthful following. 7aol.com70M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a very slightly female biased, younger crowd. 8myspace.com67M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a more female, teen and young adult audience. 9microsoft.com66M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a skewing older audience. 10ebay.com59M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a more affluent, slightly male slanted, adult following. 11amazon.com54M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more educated following. 12facebook.com52M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more affluent, teen and young adult, very slightly female biased following. 13about.com46M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a very slightly female biased audience. 14blogspot.com43M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more educated following. 15nextag.com43M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a more affluent, more educated, skewing older audience. 16mapquest.com42M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly female slanted, more educated, more affluent group. 17craigslist.org40M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a very slightly male biased, fairly wealthy audience. 18ask.com39M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly more female than male audience. 19walmart.com26M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a very slightly female biased audience. 20answers.com36M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more youthful, more educated following. 21photobucket.com36M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly more female than male, teen audience. 22go.com33M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more affluent group. 23adobe.com33M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a slightly female slanted, skewing older audience. 24cnn.com29M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more educated, rather male, fairly wealthy audience. 25wordpress.com30M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more educated following. 26windows.com29M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a skewing older following.27target.com21M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a somewhat female audience. 28paypal.com28M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a adult, fairly wealthy audience. 29reference.com25M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a younger, more educated audience. 30flickr.com23M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly male slanted audience. 31blogger.com24M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a more educated audience. 32att.com22M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a very slightly female biased audience. 33imdb.com21M+ U.S. monthly people. 34bizrate.com21M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a skewing older, more affluent audience. 35comcast.net21M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more affluent, skewing older, very slightly female biased audience. 36yellowpages.com18M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a adult, rather female following. 37geocities.com21M+ U.S. monthly people. 38bestbuy.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a very slightly male biased crowd. 39bankofamerica.com18M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a adult, more affluent, more educated crowd. 40apple.com15M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a younger, fairly wealthy, very slightly female biased group. 41webmd.com16M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a skewing older, more female audience. 42ehow.com15M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a slightly more female than male audience. 43weather.com15M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a fairly wealthy, adult, more educated audience. 44nytimes.com15M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a skewing older, fairly wealthy, very slightly male biased, more educated audience. 45jcpenney.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a primarily female, skewing older following. 46whitepages.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a skewing older, very slightly female biased following. 47evite.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a somewhat wealthy, more educated, rather female crowd. 48chase.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a adult, slightly female slanted, more affluent, more educated audience. 49shopzilla.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a skewing older, slightly female slanted crowd. 50download.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a very slightly male biased audience. 51overstock.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a rather female, more affluent, skewing older following. 52allrecipes.com9.8M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a mostly female group. 53reunion.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a rather female, skewing older audience. 54careerbuilder.com14M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a slightly female slanted group. 55verizonwireless.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a slightly female slanted, fairly wealthy crowd. 56merriam-webster.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a more educated, fairly wealthy audience. 57usps.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a adult, more educated following. 58toysrus.com7.5M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a youthful, more female, more affluent crowd. 59capitalone.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a very slightly female biased, adult audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 60metacafe.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a younger, more male audience. 61comcast.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a adult, slightly female slanted, fairly wealthy audience. 62sears.com8.0M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a skewing older audience. 63classmates.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a slightly more female than male, skewing older group. 64smileycentral.com17M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a younger, more female following. 65hp.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a skewing older audience. 66monster.com13M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a very slightly female biased following. 67wellsfargo.com12M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly female slanted crowd. 68ups.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a adult, more affluent following. 69pronto.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a skewing older group. 70tripod.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. 71dell.com10M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a skewing older, more educated audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 72digg.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more male audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 73gamespot.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a slightly male slanted, younger audience. 74foxnews.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a fairly wealthy, more educated, slightly more male than female, skewing older audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 75typepad.com11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a more educated, more affluent audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 76nbc.com10M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a adult, more female audience. 77nih.gov11M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more educated, skewing older, somewhat female audience. 78smarter.com10M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a slightly more female than male, 50+ audience. 79wikimedia.org10M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a slightly more male than female, teen, more educated audience. 80ezinearticles.com10.0M+ U.S. monthly people. 81kmart.com5.3M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a more female crowd. 82barackobama.com10.0M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a more African American, fairly wealthy, skewing older, more educated, somewhat female crowd. 83vzw.com9.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a fairly wealthy, slightly female slanted, youthful audience. http://www.quantcast.com/images/qp-icon-sm.gif 84people.com9.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a more affluent, slightly female slanted crowd. 85symantec.com9.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a skewing older crowd. 86att.net8.8M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a very slightly female biased, skewing older audience. 87sun.com7.3M+ U.S. monthly people. 88findstuff.com9.7M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a slightly female slanted audience. 89kohls.com9.7M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a more affluent, mostly female audience. 90netflix.com10M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a adult, very slightly female biased, more educated audience. 91circuitcity.com9.4M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a adult audience. 92rr.com9.3M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a fairly wealthy, skewing older, more educated audience. 93areaconnect.com8.7M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a slightly female slanted crowd. 94verizon.com9.1M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a very slightly female biased following. 95pogo.com9.1M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a primarily female audience. 96linkedin.com9.1M+ U.S. monthly people. The site caters to a very slightly male biased, middle aged, more affluent, more educated following. 97nfl.com8.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a more male, more affluent group. 98foodnetwork.com8.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site is popular among a fairly wealthy, largely female, skewing older audience. 99ticketmaster.com9.0M+ U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a slightly female slanted, more affluent following. 100ign.com8.9M+ U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a teen following.

10-12-2008, 20:04
информа цитировать не буду, текста много...
а у них в латинской амереге башорг не популярен шоле??? :eek: :D

10-12-2008, 20:30
амеры читают википедию ?!

****ешь, они тупые как ТС.

10-12-2008, 21:32
нет конечно, он не на анлийскую аудиторию расчитан и там не пиарился. главное имхо пиар проекта, а сделать-то можно любой сайт, от этого им пользоваться все не начнут. нужны средства для пиара, а потом когда много будет юзеров, как однокласники, скажем - платите и заработаем :) стандартная схема

если они тупые, то почему они живут так хорошо? ;)

10-12-2008, 21:47
америкосы ваще фхлам тупые. Вон их фильмы посмотри так там ваще ппц

10-12-2008, 22:01

Darkness at night
10-12-2008, 22:13
Товарищи, видимо, не смотрели отечественные фильмы, коли судят в таком тоне об американских.
У них есть не только то, что показывают тут. Есть и много хорошего.

10-12-2008, 22:28
ТС, самому тему сложно придумать?

10-12-2008, 22:33
они не тупые, они высоко-организованные. в отличии от нашего ворья там люди платят за всё, а не делают самостоятельно тыщу дел и в результате ничего хорошо.

10-12-2008, 22:35
Какого сайта Вам не хватает?
харошая такая фраза, почти ругательская)))