Просмотр полной версии : hey anybody wants to speak english?

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Тарифы: МТС, Билайн, МегаФон
Выгодные непубличные тарифы МТС, Билайн, МегаФон, Безлимитный интернет ✅
21-02-2007, 16:22
since when are there english ppl on this website, reading ur posts made me remember my high school yrs when we were trying to find hidden meanings in poems of robert frost or better yet make up some cool linguistic analysis of authors' thoughts at the time of writing a cirtain narrative. i cant say im not impressed by the standard of language that some ppl here are exhibiting, however i think that there are times and places for that kind of language i have never seen so many "big words" put in one paragraph, i know a few 4 example but using them in print does not add any credability to the writer unless the work is academic, or does it?? www.dictionary.com and its thesaurus section is a great tool to be used when trying to differentiate ones' self from the others in summary, nice work, the best ive seen on this site

La Vida
21-02-2007, 16:27
since his g/friend "hangs out" here lol

21-02-2007, 17:40
Hey, dude )))
I know what i meant... WILL SEE
of course your musty gramma not allow you to understand this phrase, but still it's correct. Moreover, your way was correct too, I'm not argue with that.
When I write "let's speak" - it doesn't mean like we will speak oral, as you told. It means we will write, of course. In that case we can find more mistakes. First of all, as you caught me, we can't speak by letters, it's right. In the modern american english they won't usually say "adopting". It just sounds unnatural. Just not normal speak in modern times. I used it from previous message. So, your sentence made me laugh too, for instance, how "we don't use no letters when we speak". Take your pick:
-we don't use letters when we speak
-we use no letters when we speak
Is it something from your Brooklyn's friends?????
It's distortion of language.
Guys, let's speak clearly, everybody knows that we're not american, british people e.t.c.
Don't put down. Take it easy and let's enjoy of our conversation.

21-02-2007, 17:58
;) Let's speak and have fun!

21-02-2007, 18:07
I'm totally agree! It's impressed! Not every qualified teacher possess so wealthy vocabulary and gramma skils. It deserves of respect, indeed )))

21-02-2007, 21:40
You are not the first one and clearly not the last one who is telling me this and I've got to tell you that I'm trying, and trying, and trying to be a better person, and to be completely honest I've given some thoughts to what you've just said, and you know what, I just realized that you and I are not so different, and you basically have done the same thing I've been doing since I don't even remember when, you've just shown that you are better than the others, good work and... WELCOME TO THE CLUB! :D

21-02-2007, 22:26
Probably it is in the Bible. "It is not a good idea to compare people".

21-02-2007, 23:47
...and much worse to judge them ;)

22-02-2007, 00:14
what are you talking about ? :D

22-02-2007, 00:27
nice to meet you, Mr. Brittish Perfection.
oh, ur english is so official, it makes me feel like shit!:D
yes, i like using double negations, but believe me, it doesn't make me feel like an underclass. most of americans say so and so do i and it's ok...
no, the phrase i'm looking for is a more or less adequate DEFINITION!!!
Yes, lavida's english is much more grammatically proper than mine.
Idon't know NOTHIONG about UK children, I'm only speaking for myself.

22-02-2007, 03:43
hehe... couldn't agree with u more, except the shit part of course ;)

22-02-2007, 08:57
Gde imenno smeyat'sya, mister sarkazm? Flazhochki hot' postavil bj. Me, inglish, no. Understod? :D

La Vida
22-02-2007, 09:43

do Americans actually speak English??:rolleyes: :o
I'm glad you've chosen someone to learn from;) but be careful it may be difficult to find a good job later (professional) with your gramatically poor English (as I understood you study to be a translator)...learn to speak both ways yo!;)

La Vida
22-02-2007, 09:46

you know I dont care the way you guys wanna talk here, what has really pissed me of, is when I saw Mr.Kotomba making such a great fun of Ms.-Desire- mistakes, and it sure made him laugh and gave him a very good time. All I tried to say here - do not make fun of other people's imperfections (weather it be English or German, or just anything else) unless you are perfect in it yourself (or even close)...hope you get my message!

22-02-2007, 10:01

We definitely got your message.

This is not the subtle point you are making.

Are we done by now?

La Vida
22-02-2007, 10:14
its not the question to ask me, val

25-02-2007, 14:03
улыбнитесь переводу китайского переводчика с китайского на русский, который хочет торговать с Россией. Это реальный список товаров, который он предложил для продажи своему российскому коллеге

Моя коллега получила письмо от одной китайской фирмы - деловое предложение. Далее прилагается список товаров, которые фирма хочет продавать в Россию, оригинальная версия. Читайте и наслаждайтесь! )))

1.Продукты из строительных материалов:
1. Европейская ветчина - является самой хорошей породой нашей
компании. Её материалы хорошие и чистые. Её придача - научная, без едкого вещества, без никакого пигмента, её упаковка красива, её поперечный разрез хорош. Мы желаем вам, что Европейская ветчина приведет безграничные счастья и радости для вас.

А также имеются:
2. Сгущёный апельсиный сок
3. Говядиная вермишель натурального сока
4. Лапши полуфабрикантов
5. Консервы из поваренного бумпукового
6. Лапша с бобовым джемом (последний только мешок)

2 Одежда:
1. Свиная и конная щетина, шерсть зайца и разные пухи
2. Х/б сеточная детская юбка советского стиля
3. Противоморозный костюм
4. Ковбойские одежды
5. Миниюбка из овчины
6. Майка из овчины с воротом из песцы
7. Мужское полупальто из говядины
8. Мужская майка из второго слоя свиной кожи

3 Лечные средства:
1. Одноразные памочки
2. Магнитный балл иглоукалывания на здравоохранение
3. Изделия прокладного искусства
4 Зажилка от кашля.
В этой изящной зажилке установлен имиттер энергии высокопрочного редкоземельного постоянного магнита. С её помощью нажимать ладонь и соответствующие точки позволяет успокаивать черепной раскол лба, апоплексия и не может говорить, для укрепления почек и усиления ЯH; Противопоказано больным с недостаточностью ИHЬ.

5 Чернильно-орешковая кислота. Показатели: экстра-класс, первый разряд. Показания: Достоверно выражает хорошую эффективность для лечения отсутствия половой страсти. Упаковка: В каждом мешке 1000 таблеток. Данный препарат не содержит химический состав. Метод употребления: Принимать жидкость ртом (для детей поменьше). Запасать запечатно в темном месте.

6. Одноразовая перчатка из пластмассы
7. Одноразовая операционная перчатка из казеинового клея

4 Передовые техники:
1. Скорозаморозильный шкаф
2. Трактор с четырьмя колёсами
3. Пешеходный трактор
5. Медный ручной прожектор
6. Лунная машина
7. Четырехпишущая машина
А так же:
1. Внеплановые деревья
2. а) карандаши с резинкой
б) без резинки/цветные
в) пульсирующие

Вот это - тема! :-) :-) Вот это ошибки! Вам такое не снится!

Jet Plane
26-02-2007, 12:39
2 валекс:
I was under the chair :D

26-02-2007, 15:17
:) :D :)

A quick question to English teacher:

I understood that you are a native speaker, just wanted to ask if you are teaching here in UFA, I don't remember the name of that school that we have but some time ago they had people from Ireland and USA teaching there.

I have a couple of friends who have plenty of time and desire to learn English language but with the native speaker only.

To everyone: I'll be glad to chat, just a light conversation, but I am not going to fall into elaboration on your mistakes and usually I don't give a .....about mistakes I make, provided that I am not taking an IELTS test at the moment.

26-02-2007, 21:37
hey mates...
i think i speak English pretty well. I chat with some pupil from GB, USA, Germany in ICQ.
I think that chat is good private lessons..
I have reed this topic and i will send messages for it too:)

26-02-2007, 22:03
Ват зэ хелл из гоуинг он?

Сэйтэн рулз!

27-02-2007, 01:26
Here you go. Welcome to the club! :)

27-02-2007, 01:29
IMHO when a person starts writing/speaking like this, this fact certainly points to the language barrier that the person has...

btw nothing personal Mr Satan :D

La Vida
27-02-2007, 09:52
welcome to the club;) lol

27-02-2007, 21:52
thanks, comrades, nice to meet you...;)

28-02-2007, 23:16
Hi Lesia,

Yes I am a native speaker (from near London) and yes, I am teaching here in Ufa :) If your friends would like the name of the school where I teach, I would be happy to give it to you... send me a private message if you need the name. I have done (and still do) some private work outside of the school sometimes, but only when I have enough time to do it.

You've taken IELTS? How did you do?

Jet Plane
01-03-2007, 00:51
What are doing here in Ufa? I think it's much better to live near to London than here :)

I've been always wondering people like you, I should say you are brave heart :)

01-03-2007, 02:14
Thank you for the reply!!

I've been doing Mаsters in International Law (City University of London), besides the bachellor's degree they required at least 7.0 IELTS, I've spent 1,5 months here in Ufa preparing for the IELTS test with a really nice lady from Irenland, she worked for Language Link school and I took private lessons. Then I took a short course of IELTS preparation in London and finally I got 7.5 overall score (academic). I completed the course in the City Uni 3 years ago and I have to acknowledge the fact that I am losing my skills due to the shortage of practice here :(

01-03-2007, 03:40
hey dudes what do u think about those damed flooders ? :D

La Vida
01-03-2007, 10:12
Which ones? :p

01-03-2007, 12:23
Переведите пожалуйста кому не лень. ?? Хочется себя проверить)

— Нянюшка, — спросила Анжелика, — для чего Жиль де Рец убивал столько детей?
— Все это козни дьявола, моя девочка. Жиль де Рец, людоед из Машкуля, хотел стать самым могущественным сеньором среди всех. В его замке было полно всяких колб, склянок и горшков с красным варевом, а над ними клубились зловонные пары. Дьявол требовал себе в жертву сердца маленьких детей. Вот почему Жиль де Рец убивал. Потрясенные матери с ужасом смотрели на черную башню Машкуля, вокруг которой всегда стаями кружилось воронье — столько трупов невинных младенцев было в подземельях замка.
— И он их всех съедал? — спросила дрожащим голосом Мадлон, маленькая сестренка Анжелики.
— Нет, всех просто не смог бы, — ответила кормилица. Склонившись над котлом, она некоторое время молча помешивала заправленный салом суп из капусты.
Ортанс, Анжелика и Мадлон, дочери барона де Сансе де Монтелу, сидя за столом, на котором уже стояли миски и лежали ложки, с замиранием сердца ждали продолжения.
— Он поступал еще хуже, — снова заговорила кормилица, и в голосе ее зазвучал гнев. — Сперва требовал, чтобы младенца — девочку или мальчика — привели к нему. Испуганный малыш кричал, звал свою мать, а сеньор, развалившись на кровати, наслаждался его ужасом. Затем приказывал подвесить дитя у стены на специальном приспособлении вроде виселицы, которое сжимало бедняжке грудь и шею, душило его, но не до смерти. Малютка бился, словно придушенный цыпленок, потом начинал хрипеть, глаза несчастного вылезали из орбит, он весь синел. И в огромном зале слышались лишь хохот жестоких мучителей да стоны их маленькой жертвы. Наконец Жиль де Рец давал знак снять ребенка, сажал его к себе на колени, прижимал лобик бедненького ангелочка к своей груди и нежно успокаивал.

01-03-2007, 12:25
немножко правда мрачновато)

La Vida
01-03-2007, 14:20
The Test

Three men who were lost in the forest were captured by cannibals. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they could live if they pass a trial. The first step of the trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all three men went separate ways to gather fruits.

The first one came back and said to the king, "I brought ten apples." The king then explained the trial to him. "You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any expression on your face or you'll be eaten."

The first apple went in... but on the second one he winced out in pain, so he was killed.

The second one arrived and showed the king ten berries. When the king explained the trial to him he thought to himself that this should be easy. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... and on the ninth berry he burst out in laughter and was killed.

The first guy and the second guy met in heaven. The first one asked, "Why did you laugh, you almost got away with it?" The second one replied, "I couldn't help it, I saw the third guy coming with pineapples."

La Vida
01-03-2007, 14:22
101 Ways To Annoy People
1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours by hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen. <

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice.

8. Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.

9. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will "swipe your grub".

10. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 98 copies.

11. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.

12. Sniffle incessantly.

13. Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.

14. Name your dog "Dog."

15. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."

16. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think."

17. Claim that you must always wear a bicycle helmet as part of your "astronaut training."

18. Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sue your neighbors upstairs for "violating your airspace".

19. Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a "real hoot."

20. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with Lysol.

21. Practice making fax and modem noises.

22. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc:" them to your boss.

23. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.

24. Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play along to avoid the appearance of ignorance.

25. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the neighbors you are a "spider person."

26. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with the prophesy."

27. Wear a special hip holster for your remote control.

28. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment.

29. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.

30. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.

31. Give a play-by-play account of a persons every action in a nasal Howard Cosell voice.

32. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.

33. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."

34. Drum on every available surface.

35. Staple papers in the middle of the page.

36. Ask 1-800 operators for dates.

37. Produce a rental video consisting entirely of dire FBI copyright warnings.

38. Sew anti-theft detector strips into peoples backpacks.

39. Hide dairy products in inaccessible places.

40. Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.

41. Set alarms for random times.

42. Order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon.

43. Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving.

44. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise.

45. Honk and wave to strangers.

46. Dress only in clothes colored Hunters Orange.

47. Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.

48. Tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies.

49. Wear your pants backwards.

50. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register.

51. Begin all your sentences with "ooh la la!"


53. only type in lowercase.

54. dont use any punctuation either

55. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.

56. Pay for your dinner with pennies.

57. Tie jingle bells to all your clothes.

58. Repeat everything someone says, as a question.

59. Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's roadmaps.

60. Inform everyone you meet of your personal Kennedy assassination/UFO/ O.J Simpson conspiracy theories.

61. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, its gone now."

62. Light road flares on a birthday cake.

63. Wander around a restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.

64. Leave tips in Bolivian currency.

65. Demand that everyone address you as "Conquistador."

66. At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks.

67. When Christmas caroling, sing "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" until physically restrained.

68. Wear a cape that says "Magnificent One."

69. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.

70. Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read.

71. Pretend your computer's mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it.

72. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "no, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.

73. Drive half a block.

74. Inform others that they exist only in your imagination.

75. Ask people what gender they are.

76. Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookies parts back.

77. Cultivate a Norwegian accent. If Norwegian, affect a Southern drawl.

78. Routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you don't want to fall off "in case the big one comes".

79. Deliberately hum songs that will remain lodged in co-workers brains, such as "Feliz Navidad", the Archies "Sugar" or the Mr. Rogers theme song.

80. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head. like a parakeet.

81. Lie obviously about trivial things such as the time of day.

82. Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September.

83. Change your name to "AaJohn Aaaaasmith" for the great glory of being first in the phone book. Claim it's a Hawaiian name, and demand that people pronounce each "a."

84. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

85. Chew on pens that you've borrowed.

86. Wear a LOT of cologne.

87. Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because of your "superior mental processing."

88. Sing along at the opera.

89. Mow your lawn with scissors.

90. At a golf tournament, chant "swing-batabatabata-suhWING-batter!"

91. Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your "imaginary friend."

92. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.

93. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."

94. Stare at static on the TV and claim you can see a "magic picture."

95. Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times.

96. Never make eye contact.

97. Never break eye contact.

98. Construct elaborate "crop circles" in your front lawn.

99. Construct your own pretend "tricorder," and "scan" people with it, announcing the results.

100. Make appointments for the 31st of September.

101. Invite lots of people to other people's parties.

01-03-2007, 17:17
who talks in russian :)

La Vida
01-03-2007, 17:19
they are ok...but some of them really DO need some professional help;)

01-03-2007, 18:51
gg)) me too my eng is bad :((

01-03-2007, 19:46
What's wrong with my message? Why do u think, that I have "the language barrier"?

02-03-2007, 01:14
kill yourself at the wall! :D

La Vida
02-03-2007, 09:50
practice makes perfect;)

02-03-2007, 14:09
The need for communication presupposes a "COMMUNICATION GAP"..., which can be bridged because of the overlap, or partial congruence between the mental context of the user in focus and the mental context of the interlocutor(s) - your conversation sounds natural when you try and fill this INFORMATION GAP.

So, what is your need?

What COMMUNICATION GAP are you trying to bridge?

What INFORMATION GAP can you fill?

:-) :-)

02-03-2007, 19:21
Drink some poison

02-03-2007, 19:50
can somebody teach me some english please, in particular im interested in our native speaking english friend ill pay in pounds if i have to heh
come to think of it what the hell has to happen to an obviously educated man from england to come to mmm ufa and live and work there, i have to admit i understand the notion of a working holiday and all of that but dont u guys ussually come here (aus) and work behind the bar, just as aussies go there and do the same for that kind of european experience by last count u dont get too many pounds out of a RUR, do u??

02-03-2007, 20:01
don think im trying to offend anyone here by my posts, its just a little interesting and im trying to follow that train of thought that an english person would ride when deciding what region of the planet to go to, i come up with the following: humanitarian types go to Burma or Laos or Yemen and help people, fun loving types go to mmm thailand i guess, money hungry types go to NY, stay in UK or Msk, others maybe come here for this bondi beach experience, so im puzzled as to which type is our english friend, maybe the former glory of major honey producing region of USSR attracted him to this city??
r u a fan of honey??

02-03-2007, 20:08
ok i get it... the greatest russian export...... chicks......

02-03-2007, 20:09
i guess u do like ufa's honey after all....

02-03-2007, 20:37
hey there
who is not from Russia ?

03-03-2007, 01:12
Don't be an arse.... believe it or not an English teacher's salary here is nothing that's going to help you attract the "chicks" lol Basically, I had a fantastic career, but one that meant that I had to sell my soul in order to earn a good wage and that, unfortunately, meant that I had to dismiss a large number of employees. I didn't like it!! Plus, it was too easy and thus boring! I decided to do what my mother had done for 38 years before me... teach :)

I requalified and needed to decide where to go... I was intrigued by different alphabets and Cyrillic won. I've been all over the world, but I had never been to a 'normal' Russian city... ultimately, Ufa chose me - there was a job opening, the timing was right and I took it!

Why not? There are worse tyhings to do lol :)

03-03-2007, 01:16
Well, I'm from a 'new' village called "Braintree" and which is about 40-50km NW of London :) :) :) ps. it's only about 7000km away from here lol

03-03-2007, 01:23
Wow. Is that where all Brain Donors originally come from? )))
As you get your brain worn out, you guys gotta climb up a tree and pick another one?? - Is that what you're saying? :)
I really wish I lived in that village! :D Instead, I got stuck here in Siberia, freezing my nuts off... :(

03-03-2007, 01:51
Ich bin :)

03-03-2007, 01:55
... hun vei bin ?? :)
*/Red Guard

03-03-2007, 03:05
take it easy! i mean don't take it too personal, as I've mentioned before... RIP

03-03-2007, 03:12
brilliant imagination pal! but you'd better seek some Nutstree or Ballstree or whatever :D

La Vida
05-03-2007, 10:03
u r from Siberia, really?:)

05-03-2007, 22:16
cool but i have friend from London

05-03-2007, 22:20
you betcha, sweetheart! :)

meet a siberian crazy canoock ;)

to be perfectly honest, i'm not quite a canook yet...
.......but more than a newfie, anyway! :D

05-03-2007, 22:45
Hey, what do you mean by that?:mad:
Russia's all around the place.
Wherever you go, it's always deep in your heart...

05-03-2007, 23:38
true:) .

05-03-2007, 23:39
and where are you from/

06-03-2007, 05:52
HI! My name is ...... епать чё за тема буржуйская????

La Vida
06-03-2007, 09:37
cool, I thought you are from Ufa, like the big rest of us:p
where exactly in Siberia?
must be really cold....grrrr:p

La Vida
06-03-2007, 10:15
sometimes just way too deep lol

06-03-2007, 11:27
sure, i am... just like everybody else at this forum.... even though i got to stay 6 weeks at work and only three back home, I still "live" in ufa....
nizh, right now.. but it might have been kogalym, noyabrsk, nefteyugansk, or elsewhere…
not necessarily though… we’ve had quite a few sunny days this winter….. yes, in most of the cases it is cold, but it only takes so many days to get used to it… nothing to be really afraid of, you know…

on top, if you are a rig pig, you are supposed to be an all-weather machine... you may be up north today, but you may, as well, wake up somewhere in the Gulf tomorrow... :)

La Vida
06-03-2007, 13:14
you have the best English that has ever been used in this topic;)

La Vida
06-03-2007, 14:40

11-03-2007, 14:52
Hello everybody!)
This is a good idea)
English is not my strong point..but i was doing my best)
for "vse ok"- it is my favourite book)))))and whats you opinion?

11-03-2007, 15:01
как будет одним словом- охота на ворон? Типа - хантеркарлинг

11-03-2007, 23:00
а зачем это? то есть какой контекст?
потому, что первое, что приходит это crow hunting...

для чего?

11-03-2007, 23:02

11-03-2007, 23:33
так и называется crow hunting

11-03-2007, 23:34
тогда будет охота на воронов

11-03-2007, 23:41
Crow hunt в буквальном смысле здесь, скорее всего, действительно ни при чем.

Парня, вероятно, интересует английское соответствие русской идиоме "охотиться на ворон / считать ворон", аналогичной по значению словосочетаниям "бить баклуши", "валять дурака", "щелкать варежкой".

В этом случае, в качестве более или менее адекватного перевода могу предложить:

1) to screw down
2) to screw around
3) to fuck around
4) to goof around

Того, кто считает ворон / охотится на ворон / щелкает ипальнегом, можно назвать goofy fucker.

Если же в результате "подсчета ворон" кто-то, говоря по-русски, "облажался", то, с учетом результата действия, к вышеуказанным глаголам потребуются уже другие послелоги:

1) to screw up
2) to fuck up

12-03-2007, 00:17
думаю речь идет о другом...
существует идиотский вид спорта/хобби, не знаю как это назвать, короче фсякие придурки охотятся на ворон с пневматикой.
даж помоему клубы есть кроухантеров.

12-03-2007, 00:23

сё могет быть... про "охоту на поезда" (trainspotting) знаю, про охоту на ведьм (witch-hunt) знаю, а про охоту на ворон не слышал ищо... хотя китайцы же на воробьев охотяцо... поэтому х.з. - все м.б. ....
контекст нужон - чо етат Макар Ыч сакзать то хотел.....

12-03-2007, 00:51
пробил ради интереса значение crow hunt в мультитране...
одно из табуизированных сленговых значений слова crow - "физически непривлекательная девушка", а другое - "засохшая сперма на лобковых волосах" :D : http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ph...0%F5&L1=2&L2=1
В подобном контексте, словосочетание crow hunt приобретает ну просто ужоснах какое двусмысленное значение :D :D

12-03-2007, 00:53

12-03-2007, 00:57
а вот в urbandictionary.com кластер crow hunt все еще свободен.... не ведают пока еще пиндосы о таком сленговом словечке (см.столбец слева), можно вписать туда и entry про "охоту на ворон":

кошмар, это же охотобщество! :cool: накой они на етих ворон охотяцо, интересно?? ради мяса?? :D

12-03-2007, 10:26
к сведениям, которые дает Малтитран, нужно относиться с серьезной проверкой...
пока я не найду в других источниках такое табуированное толкование crow hunt, которое дает Малтитран, я его всерьез не приму.
Другие источник, вы правы, не дают подобного результата. То есть, пока, это что-то вроде охотничьей забавы, для тренировки вашей собаки.
Может быть аскер имел ввиду какую-нибудь компьютерную игру с подобным названием?
Аскеру виднее...

La Vida
12-03-2007, 12:58
Focus on abbreviations-1

Сайт BBCRussian.com представляет свой путеводитель по наиболее
употребительным английским сокращениям.

В первой части - аббревиатуры организаций, играющих важную роль в жизни мирового сообщества.


AI - Amnesty International - Международная Амнистия - неправительственная организация в защиту прав человека. Основана в 1961 году в Лондоне юристом Питером Бененсоном.

Сайт организации - здесь.


APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation - Азиатско-Тихоокеанское экономическое сотрудничество (АТЭС)

Сайт организации - здесь.


ASEAN - the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии (АСЕАН) - субрегиональная организация, образованная в 1967 году

Сайт ассоциации - здесь.


CIS - the Commonwealth of Independent States - Содружество независимых государств (СНГ)

Подробнее об СНГ читайте здесь.


EU - the European Union - Европейский cоюз (ЕС) - основан в 1958 году как Европейское Экономическое Сообщество.
Название ЕС используется с 1993 года.
Штаб-квартира организации находится в Брюсселе.

Сайт Евросоюза - здесь.


EBRD - the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Европейский банк реконструкции и развития (создан в 1990 году с целью оказания кредитной поддержки странам Восточной и Центральной Европы при переходе к рыночной экономике). Штаб-квартира в Лондоне.

Сайт банка - здесь.


EC - the European Commission - Европейская комиссия (исполнительный орган Евросоюза)


FATF - the Financial Action Task Force (on money laundering) - Международная группа по борьбе с отмыванием "грязных" денег

Сайт группы - здесь.


G8 - the Group of 8 - "большая восьмерка" индустриально развитых стран мира: (Канада, Франция, Германия, Италия, Япония, Россия, Великобритания, США)

Подробнее о "восьмерке" читайте здесь.


IAEA - the International Atomic Energy Agency - Международное агентство по атомной энергии (МАГАТЭ), входящее в структуру ООН.
Основано в 1957 году в целях содействия широкому использованию ядерной энергетики в мирных целях.
Штаб-квартира организации расположена в Вене.

Сайт агентства - здесь.


LAS - the League of Arab States - Лига Арабских Государств

Сайт организации - здесь.


OSCE - the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe - Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) со штаб-квартирой в Вене

Сайт ОБСЕ - здесь.


OPEC - the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries - Организация стран-экспортеров нефти (ОПЕК). Штаб-квартира - в Вене.

Сайт ОПЕК - здесь.


PACE - the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Парламентская Ассамблея Совета Европы (ПАСЕ) - штаб-квартира в Страсбурге.

Сайт Совета Европы - здесь.


NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - Североатлантический Альянс (НАТО). Штаб-квартира в Брюсселе.

Сайт НАТО - здесь.


UNO - the United Nations Organisation - Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН). Штаб-квартира в Нью-Йорке.

Сайт ООН - здесь.


UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation - специализированное учреждение ООН по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО)

Сайт ЮНЕСКО - здесь.


UNICEF - the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - Детский фонд ООН (ЮНИСЕФ), созданный в 1946 году с целью организации помощи детям в разрушенной войной Европе.
В настоящее время ЮНИСЕФ занимается оказанием помощи детям развивающихся стран.

Сайт ЮНИСЕФ - здесь.


UNMOVIC - the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission - Комиссия ООН по наблюдению, контролю и инспекциям в Ираке

Сайт комиссии - здесь.


WTO - the World Trade organisation - Всемирная торговая организация (ВТО). Штаб-квартира - в Женеве.

Сайт организации - здесь.


WHO - the World Health Organisation - Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) - основана в 1948 году (штаб-квартира в Женеве).

Сайт организации - здесь.

вот сцылочка http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian...00/3693787.stm

La Vida
12-03-2007, 13:02
вообще полезная ссылка для those who study English:)

12-03-2007, 13:55
В принципе, да. Нельзя полагаться лишь на один источнег. :)
но, кстати, то, что я нашел в мультитране, это не crow hunt, а только одно из значений crow
В собрании сленга на berkley.edu кластер crow вообще отсутствует, например. http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wrader/slang/c.html
И на "пивиш" тоже нет: http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/c.htm
Ну и где етат аскер, goofy fucker Макарыч? :D

12-03-2007, 15:10
yahoo,google в помощь всегда...
лучше поискать там любое слово, чтоб в контексте оно было...
мальтитран тож контекст дает хотя, минимальный.

12-03-2007, 15:23
fUCK YOU YOU FUCKIN` FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-03-2007, 15:26
Эт когда пишешь о своих интересах. Охота на ворон как-то не так :rolleyes: А одним словом да на английском кучнее :cool:

12-03-2007, 15:36
АГА :D только почему идиотский и придурки :confused:
Следуя твоей логике те кто не занимается этим, с моей точки зрения они придурки ? :confused:
Можно смело не глядя обсирать то чем ты увлекаешся потому, что ты не похож на меня? :confused:

12-03-2007, 15:41
А можно написать crowhunter или crowkiller ( существительное)?

12-03-2007, 15:45
Хотя правильней будет "охота на вредителей" - грызуны и вредные птици с точки зрения аграриев :rolleyes:

12-03-2007, 16:07
г-н студент ФРГФ, я бы на вашем месте, со снисходительным похлопыванием мультитрана по плечу все-таки несколько поосторожнее был... )))))
на мультитране, между прочим, сидят профессиональные переводчики... далеко не студенты, в общем )))
мужики типа Метлина и тетки типа Венеры Мухаметовны.... :)

cheers, for fuck's sakes!! :cool:
...and you know what? - relax, relax... :D :D

La Vida
12-03-2007, 16:13
Ипатий, дайте сцылочку мультирана плз=)

ктонть знает хорошего переводчика технический текстов?

12-03-2007, 16:19
он-лайн словарь http://www.multitran.ru/

форум переводчиков: http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=Di...HL=2&L1=1&L2=2

Хороший переводчик технических текстов - Хвесин Яков Абрамович. Думаю даже, что самый хороший в Уфе. Вот только, жив ли еще??

12-03-2007, 16:48
чот я твой тон не понял, мальчег...я не только студент фргф...:p
))) Метлин тоже многого не знает, нету универсалов фсётаки...
теперь ответь мне, ты нашел в мультитране crowhunter?
а я в yahoo нашел? да.
советы надо уметь принимать и пользоваться ими, а ты все в штыки...
chillax Ипатий

La Vida
12-03-2007, 16:48
зур рахмат!:)

La Vida
12-03-2007, 16:49
думала вы на 5-м курсе фргф:confused: :)

Cardinal Gray
12-03-2007, 16:50
Яков Абрамович помнится еще мою мать языку обучал, давно это было. Действительно высококлассный специалист.

La Vida
12-03-2007, 16:50
who is it?:)

12-03-2007, 16:50
кстати я вапщета Валексу писал.
и никоим образом не принизил полезность мультитрана, эт у тя чота замкнуло што ты так подумал...
piss out...

Cardinal Gray
12-03-2007, 16:51
О нем тебе выше писали)

12-03-2007, 16:52
именно так, но этим не ограничиваюсь ни в плане образования ни в плане работы, вот что я имел ввиду...

12-03-2007, 16:55
ой бля ипатий то сафсем не мальчег, а дядко какойто:D
на аватаре то мальчег черненький)))

12-03-2007, 17:02
Ты лучше мне отпиши

12-03-2007, 19:08
этот "дядько какой-то" в 92-93 г. уже преподавал англ.яз. в БГУ , в то время как маленький катомбо еще ходил в садег и любил делать себе в штаны :p
время шло, катомбо вырос, но ничего не изменилось, - он по-прежнему обожал ковырять в носу и делать себе в штаны...
(хотя, нет... кое-что все-таки изменилось, - с первой своей стипендии, катомбо купил на рынке старенький фотоаппарат "Смена-8М", которым любил пугать случайных прохожих по ночам...) :D

12-03-2007, 19:22
Че, бле уже по-русски все пишут?

12-03-2007, 19:33
Я слышал, лет пять или шесть назад у него инфаркт был... Это так? Он еще в Уфе или уехал куда-то?

12-03-2007, 19:34
то что в скобках почти правда!!! правда 8м это 8 мегапикселей, а случайные прохожие поночам - это клабберы.:D
товаришч ибатий, ты чота загнался я смотрю...
чо за обида то такая? жизнью обижен?
жалееш о бестлково прожитых годах?:p
преподавал в бгу 1 год - это зачетно:D

12-03-2007, 19:37
fuck off, you waste of skin :)
don't bother people... :D

12-03-2007, 19:45
если фак оф ю вэйст ов скин - твой самый сильный аргумент, то все с тобой ясно.
преподаватель, я был лучшего о тебе мнения...
значит в точку попал - обижен ты жизнью ибатий:D
вопросов больше не имею(с)

12-03-2007, 19:47
слиф защитан (с) :D
....и это все же лучше, чем быть, подобно тебе, богом обиженным, мальчег котомбо :)
или что же, прикажешь с тобой, - дурнем да невеждой, - хороводы водить? нет уж, увольте-с... :)
фак офф, и только фак офф! :D

12-03-2007, 19:53
don't fuck with people, and you'll never get fucked... :D see what i mean? :)

12-03-2007, 19:58
ого незнал что иппатий препод из БГУ! +1)) have u ever been in states ?

12-03-2007, 20:00
щет маза фака - piroghki s kapustoi!

12-03-2007, 20:07
you bet, buddy!=)
in the states, in the uk, in the gulf, etc.... and still keep coming up there every once in a while... only, i'm not a teacher anymore... haven't been teaching for over 10 years...

12-03-2007, 23:21
прямо в яблочко)

12-03-2007, 23:53

я чуть састула не упал!!!
вапервых я не рокмузыкант и никогда им небыл и на парах не просиживаю, особенно на парах Чанышевой З.З, Метлина А.Ю.(кстати летом с ним бок о бок работал) и других дающих знания преподавателей.
Это я на фарите бездырь, а в жизни я и есть тот самый Олег с 501 о котором ты говориш, по факу не брожу и гавно не пинаю, а прихожутуда учиться и причем на 5, не на натянутую пятерочку а на безоговорочную 5! Ты меня спутал с кемто! Как можно незная человека столько говна на него выливать? А той самой Лейкой, с которой я якобы брожу по факу и гамно пинаю я зарабатываю деньги!
ЗЫ: на факультетскую газету не снимаю, там своих перцев хватает.
и к своему 5 курсу имею приличный (для своего возраста опыт работы переводчиком!!!)

13-03-2007, 00:02
PS. Ози с одной з, а не с двумя, это инициалы мои если чо, where O stands for Oleg.
и вобще, хватит ругаться, уже не смешно.
мы ж коллеги всетаки, я так понимаю...

13-03-2007, 09:36
а я-то думал, что ты Азат! :D
а если коллеги, то не стоило было тебе свысока отзываться о мультитране, - форуме, где сидят другие коллеги..
с этого же началось (п.615).... ты можешь критиковать их, спорить с ними, но не относиться к нми надменно и снисходительно...

и еще, по поводу преподов... я, например, никогда не позволял себе отзываться о тех, у кого учился, с пренебрежением или похлопывать их снисходительно по плечу, обсуждая за глаза в частных разговорах... ни когда был студентом, ни теперь, много лет спустя.... ты же успел отличился в этом даже в рамках данной темы... то "бугага" и "Метлин не знает всего" (кстати, он действительно "знает все!" (с) by RimGaz :)), то ты с Александром Юрьевичем уже "бок о бок трудился", что, вроде как, предполагает некую более положительную коннотацию... see what i mean? =) treat others like you want to be treated yourself... and don't tell me you don't believe in being decent....other than that, nothing personal... regards =)

La Vida
13-03-2007, 10:52
listen people, why can't you be friendly?
we are supposed to help each other not to argue...pretty much everyone's English is good here, so let us all be friends, and maybe helpful to each other

13-03-2007, 12:26
sounds just great to me... let's bunch up, go out and get hammered tonight .. :D

13-03-2007, 12:29

13-03-2007, 12:42
Ипатий vs Katomba: Ипатий won, hehe)

13-03-2007, 13:10
hey, don't try to piss him off... :) otherwise, he's gonna come back in and start jumping up and down again... and this bullshit will start all over...

13-03-2007, 13:42
хехе...опять тебя неправильно информировали, Азат уж лучше Романа язык то знает и поусерднее будет, это точно... кто твой информатор, колись:p
не заглаза говорю, мы с ним частенько спорили на парах, чем я возможно подпортил отношения с ним, но не мог я не спорить, такой уж вот, в поисках истины блин! Знаешь, уж это лучше чем просто отсижывать его пары или вообще не приходить! и я пару раз сумел ему доказать свою правоту(например он не знал как будет крепления для лыж - bindings а я знал, про оргкомитет мы спорили, он настаивал на Steering Committee, а я на Organizing Committee, в итоге выяснилось что предпочтительнее мой вариант, да ваще перечислять неохото, просто при всем уважении хочу сказать что не существует всезнаек, да и не надо, надо чтобы каждый профессионально делал свое дело, лучше быть специалистом узкого профиля, но таким, чтоб "вах какой умница") хотя бесспорно Метлин знает в сто крат больше чем мы все тут вместевзятые и весь ФРГФ.
Жалко только что его знания вомногом невостребованны, студенты предпочитают прогуливать пары его, т.к. он добряк и ничего за это не будет никому!
К Александру Юрьевичу отношусь с огромным уважением не только за знания, но и за то какой он добрый и отзывчивый человек! Если у меня возникают трудности, он никогда не отмахивался, а всегда охотно помогал, даже если в нерабочее время)).
Внимательно перечитай мой пост про мультитран, там нет ни малейшего намека на пренебрежение. Этот словарь да и кстати форум - место номер один куда я обращаюсь когда возникают трудности с переводом.
И огромный респект не только профессорам которые составляют словари, но и тем УМНИЦАМ которые сидят в форуме и всегда рады помочь, когда я со всеми своими словарями просто оказываюсь в тупике!
Смысл поста заключался в том, что плюс к этому я пользуюсь поисковиками чтобы увидеть использование того или иного термина в разных контекстах, это дает более обьемную картинку о нем.
I see what you mean:)
And what I mean is that you got me wrong. I'm not that stupid to be disrespectful to all the above mentioned people.
ok, no more Russian since now please:p

13-03-2007, 13:44
that's what I was about to do:D

13-03-2007, 13:52
ok, why don't we switch to something practical.

13-03-2007, 15:17
like what?

La Vida
13-03-2007, 15:27
its only Tuesday today hey!:eek: :D

13-03-2007, 18:10
tell you what... we ain't got much choice in this country : any day got to be either Saturday night, or Monday morning... and that's it, no other options! :(

so, here's the plan: we are having Saturday tonight, and Monday tomorrow... :)

is that ok with you? now you agree, though?

are we going out, anyway? :D

13-03-2007, 19:55
And my English is getting worse and worse...

13-03-2007, 20:11
nice, me liket it(c))))
living liket that we'll have booze-ups every other day:p

13-03-2007, 20:14
that's what happens when you don't practise it...

14-03-2007, 04:07
Yeah, it's better to practiSe and practiSe it, over and over again :D Xixi Why are u trying to be such a smartass? It doesn't fit your profile. Please, don't be harsh while answering to me cause I am here to have fun, not to argue or prove something, ok?

14-03-2007, 04:09
He ended up with an "essay", couldn't finish reading, got bored and scrolled it down :D

La Vida
14-03-2007, 10:58

I think I'll loose my job quite quickly if I decide to live this practice:(
how do you do it?
do you not have a hangover after such fun nights of boozing?;)

ps yeah, and how was it last night anyway?:)

14-03-2007, 13:36
Er... don't think I have ever "practised" it...
I still remember the words - reading English texts or watching English channels on TV hasn't become any harder... but speaking is not so fluent now. I want to say something in English - but all get as a result is this phrase in Deutsch... er... German.

14-03-2007, 14:17
I'm sorry, i didnt get it...u were expecting me to say "practice"?
ok, let it be so, no problem with that...
as u wish, my queen:D

15-03-2007, 02:47
accepted :D

15-03-2007, 18:52
Превед. Извините, что по русски. ;) Вот такой забавный спам пришел:

Dear ladies and sirs!
I the Russian student, study as the engineer of the builder, at present I have no means for continuation of study, in Russia to study very dearly! Help who than can!
Beforehand is grateful!


16-03-2007, 12:22
"such much" (c) ?? :eek: :D

-Such much? -For whom how! -Finished Inyaz? -Ask!

La Vida
16-03-2007, 15:53


La Vida
20-03-2007, 10:09
made me smile:)

Russian Stereotypes
By Dmitry Paranyushkin / Way to Russia Travel & Business Guides


The way of life in Russia is very simple. Russians love to eat rye bread with herring and drink vodka the same way British drink their 5 o’clock tea. The fashion for fur coats and hats is at all times high and the cold winters are impossible to survive. The university professors have to sell matryoshkas to foreigners, and former teachers work as security guards and loaders. The average salary is $150 per month, but president Putin is still loved by all the nation. Playing balalaika and drinking vodka is their only entertainment and refuge from this hostile world. Especially, in light of the fact that at any moment there can be another explosion set up by the Chechens that will put an end to this miserable existence. The only hope is the children, who are keen fans of the band TaTu and dream of fleeing the country as soon as they are 18. A few dozen people who managed to make some money on the immense oil fields now live in exile, and Russia will soon go back to communism.

Seems like an interesting country, doesn’t it? If you truly believe some of the things above, you urgently need to get a visa and buy a ticket to Russia to make sure you have and adequate perception of reality. Or at least see this unique country before it ceases to exist.
Just to prepare you for the trip, we decided to shed some light on these myths. Hopefully next time there will be fewer people packing their trekking gear instead of the casual clothes and cashing all their credit card money expecting no ATMs next time they travel.

Let’s start with the most practical topic, prices. With Moscow steadily earning the 3rd place the list of the world’s most expensive cities, how can one expect a family to survive on a $150 salary? Yes, these are the official figures, but the majority of Russians get most of their salary in sealed envelopes to save on taxes, so the rumors about total poverty are simply not true. While life in Russia is cheaper than in Europe, it is perhaps even more expensive than in the US. That is unless you live in a small town like Borovichi, have a free apartment from the good old Soviet system, and don’t mind buying your groceries from the market on a regular basis. Besides, most Russians have small private datchas (countryside houses), where they spend summers and grow vegetables and berries. The thing is, if you want the western standard of living, then Moscow or St. Petersburg will come at a high price. However, if you travel to smaller towns, everything is going to be much cheaper.

The fur hats and coats is a total myth. While some Russian women like to wear fur coats in winter, majority of people prefer more practical clothes or simply can’t afford these $2000 coats produced in Greece, actually. Also, if you see somebody wearing a fur hat, there’s a 80% chance he is a foreigner. Sometimes this myth is intensified with the idea that Russians also like to carry rifles, which come handy to kill occasional bears roaming around, but just recently this became an official state secret, so we can’t elaborate.

The fact that there is a big unemployment problem, especially among those who used to work in the public sector, is true. However, things are improving and those who were able to adapt to the new realities usually managed to find a good position that utilizes their potential in full. It’s not 1993 anymore…

The total fear of terrorist acts and all kinds of natural disasters and catastrophes is something that is very often exploited by media. But a simple explanation is that Russia occupies one sixth of the world’s territory and basically, with everything else equal, it is supposed to account for roughly 17% (one sixth) of all disasters in the world. As for the terrorist acts, well, Russia is not more dangerous than any other western country nowadays. Given the state of today’s politics, Russia holds the same risks in this regard as the U.S. or Europe, unfortunately. Just stay away from the “risky” areas, such as Chechnya and it will not affect you in any way.

It is also a popular stereotype that Russians are racist. This is simply not true. While other countries are buried deep in their immigration policies, concerns, and debates, Russia is further relaxing its immigration policy. There are talks that no visas will be needed for EU citizens as soon as 2008, and there are incentives for workers from the neighboring CIS countries to come and work on a legal basis in Russia. In a recent nationwide poll conducted by VTsIOM (the local research agency), only 10% of Russians said they are concerned with immigration issues. In fact, in a country that is a home to so many different nationalities and that was always promoting the idea of being equal irrespective of status or race, racism is simply not possible.

The popular portrayal of Russia as a country that is steadily moving towards economic collapse and authoritarian government is something that might sell well, but is far from reality. The case of Yukos and Khodorkovsky, back tax claims, and other recent events are, of course, alarming, but it is simply a natural stage of the initial capital accumulation. Many capitalist countries went through this, and many democratic societies have rich establishments, while a majority of private property is also distributed among a few people (or families).
Russia is simply repeating the standard path and you can’t expect the total transformation in just 15 years. Two steps forward, one step back, but we’ll get there! Besides, the potential for growth, especially in public sector and hi-tech sectors is impressive and can’t be ignored.

Overall, Russia is a very diverse and interesting country, which has its flaws and gems. The best approach is to be friendly, open-minded, and to preferably come with a lot of money. Try to enjoy the sights, have lots of fun, go to clubs, do a trekking trip in Siberia, get yourself invited for a dinner with a Russian family, and perhaps even invest in some small company that might become a future Microsoft.

20-03-2007, 15:29
Here is useful article for those willing to improve their english:


PS. Sorry if this is accordion. :D

La Vida
20-03-2007, 15:31
cute:) but very common:)

20-03-2007, 16:56
What do you mean?

La Vida
20-03-2007, 17:05
those are common mistakes Russian people make. I hear it all the time, really:)
Things like:
Excuse me, which watch?
To whom how...
I speak you, etc...
you know what I mean?;)

Jimmy CHOO
20-03-2007, 19:23
Срочно требуется учебник для подготовки к TOEFL, куплю подержанный, пожалуйста, у кого имеется и не нужен и вполне в потребном виде (не сильно исписанный+с записями) сообщите! можно сюда: 197972602

20-03-2007, 22:15
бери какой надо www.englishtips.org

La Vida
02-04-2007, 15:19
can smn please help me to translate 'sub-distributor"?;(

La Vida
02-04-2007, 15:35
help me pleasseeeeeeeee

02-04-2007, 15:50
во-первых "could somebody please help me to translate"
во-вторых "младший агент по продажам" - Lingvo рулит

La Vida
02-04-2007, 17:08
there is nothing wrong with saying can you help me to do this....
(what are u talking about):rolleyes:

you didnt help anyway, coul've kept quiet....:rolleyes:

02-04-2007, 17:49
Ключевое слово не could, а somebody. Ты использовала неправильное местоимение - someone.

Видимо, чтобы тебе помочь, надо знать контекст, в котором появляется слово. В любом случае "младший агент по продажам" правильный перевод. Понты корявые.

La Vida
03-04-2007, 10:58
перевожу договор

La Vida
03-04-2007, 11:03
is that a rule? where did u get it from?:rolleyes:

03-04-2007, 11:08
мольер прав... конешна ко времени он зря придрался, но someone тут не нужно использовать

03-04-2007, 11:30
скоты. не по нашаму балакают! :mad:

La Vida
03-04-2007, 11:32
силя, тсссс!;)

03-04-2007, 11:33
у меня друг в америге смеялся,когда я ему сказал,типа find me used distributor,mine is dead. короче,не старался я над грамматикой,но он понял,потому что про машины разговаривали. :D

La Vida
03-04-2007, 11:39
это, несколько, не этот случай;)

хотя, yes very funny;)

03-04-2007, 11:41
ну да,понятно не этот. просто вспомнил.:) ;)
интересная у вас тут темка.буду заглядывать

see ya;)

03-04-2007, 15:59
Не знаю, есть ли такое правило, но англичане в данном случае употребили бы somebody. По-моему это достаточно очевидно.

03-04-2007, 16:00
можно использовать и can и could, но последнее употребляют чаще, ИМХО.

La Vida
03-04-2007, 16:16
можно и так и так, Мольер:cool:
не надо меня исправлять, если я не нарушаю правил;)

03-04-2007, 19:14
Покопался немного в инете. Все-таки someone тоже используют - буру свои слова назад. Наверное мое заблуждение связано с тем, что люди вокруг меня практически всегда используют somebody.

04-04-2007, 08:01
а как муж англичанин объясняет что такое 'sub-distributor?

La Vida
04-04-2007, 10:10
he explained it to me in English to which I coulnt find any proper Russian translation:(

04-04-2007, 10:28
напишите здесь, что он объяснил по-английски

04-04-2007, 14:17
чем занимается, что делает, что входит в обязанности sub distributor по объяснению Вашего мужа?

04-04-2007, 14:31
A distributor is a company that buys and sells products in its own name from a company (the Principal). It has a formal agreement with the Principal and is allocated a territory which they must manage effectively... they are expected to behave as if they are part of the Principal company. A sub-distributor is a 3rd company that signs a contract with the main distributor and is given similar rights, although usually for a smaller territory.

A dealer is different, since they are not usually resposnsible for a territory and there can be more than one in close proximity, competing for the same customers.

An agent is also different, since they work on commission and do not normally sign sales contracts in their own name.

04-04-2007, 14:52
суб-дистрибьютор, чего тут непонятного? :)

04-04-2007, 15:25
distributor (дистрибьютор, не путать с представительством) - грубо говоря, это ввозчик в страну продукции компании Х силами своей внешней логистики либо FOB.
subdistributor (субдистр) - рыба-прилипала к первому из-за отсутствия внешней логистики.
dealer (дилер) - оптовый клиент distributor'а (subdistr), продающий subdealer'у (опт), reseller'у (розница) или конечному потребителю, если есть своя розница, продукцию компании Х.

Компания может закупать у нас ОЕМ-версии и перепродавать их своим дилерам - сборщикам. В этом случае компания выступает в качестве субдистрибьютера.

субдистрибьютер - это называется по-русски.

04-04-2007, 17:15
Why am I not surprised?!? :) lol

La Vida
05-04-2007, 11:29

все такие умные млин...где вы раньше были.
Всё тестируешь меня Валекс, а мну помощь нужна была:(

10-05-2007, 10:11
So, here we are again!!!!!!!
Let us talk about your unusual hobby, for example.
I heard american high-school guys like to through a roadkill in your car!
Or send a birthday present to a friend which can be of a very unexpected nature - a festively wrapped package with a sign "From your girl-friend" and inside... Who knows, what can be there inside this box, in order to pull the leg, to zing the friend??!!!

10-05-2007, 11:38
So, here we are again!!!!!!!
Let us talk about your unusual hobby, for example.
I heard american high-school guys like to through a roadkill in your car!
Or send a birthday present to a friend which can be of a very unexpected nature - a festively wrapped package with a sign "From your girl-friend" and inside... Who knows, what can be there inside this box, in order to pull the leg, to zing the friend??!!!

La Vida
11-05-2007, 19:16
Amercans are incredibly stupid LOL
In general:)

La Vida
11-05-2007, 19:17
ну че - муж англичанин удовлетворил ваше любопытство???:rolleyes:

11-05-2007, 20:07
ага...))))))))) конченые люди - finnish people :D (c)

11-05-2007, 21:23
Тогда уж проще - Scots.

20-05-2007, 14:29
Fine, it's good place to learn English

20-05-2007, 14:40
You bet, Buddy! :)
Join the Club and don't forget to buy them guys 'round drink. ;)

31-01-2008, 20:11
An Essex girl goes to the council to register for child benefit.
'How many children?' asks the council worker.
'10' replies the Essex girl.
'10?' says the council worker. 'What are their names?'
'Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Wayne and Wayne.'
'Doesn't that get confusing?'
'Naah...' says the Essex girl 'its great because if they are out playing
in the street I just have to shout WAAYNE, YER DINNER'S READY, or WAAYNE
GO TO BED NOW and they all do it...'
'What if you want to speak to one individually?' says the perturbed
council worker.
'That's easy,' says the Essex girl... 'I just use their surnames.'

Essex Girl enters a sex shop & asks for a vibrator.
The man says 'Choose from our range on the wall.'
She says 'I'll take the red one.'
The man replies 'That's a fire extinguisher.'

An Essex girl is involved in a nasty car crash and is trapped and
bleeding. The paramedics soon arrive on site.
Medic: 'It's OK I'm a paramedic and I'm going to ask you some questions?'
Girl: 'OK'
Medic: 'What's your name?'
Girl: 'Sharon .'
Medic: 'OK Sharon, is this your car?'
Sharon: 'Yes.'
Medic: 'Where are you bleeding from?'
Sharon : 'I'm from bleeding Romford, mate.'

An Essex girl was driving down the A13 when her car phone rang. It was her
boyfriend, urgently warning her, 'Treacle, I just heard on the news that
there's a car going the wrong way on the A13. Please be careful!'
'It's not just one car!' said the Essex girl, 'There's f*cking hundreds of

Another Essex girl was involved in a serious crash; there's Blood
everywhere. The paramedics arrive and drag the girl out of the car till
she's lying flat out on the ground.
Medic: 'OK, I'm going to check if you're concussed.'
Sharon : 'Ok.'
Medic: 'How many fingers am I putting up?'
Sharon: 'Oh my god, I'm paralysed from the waist down!'

An Essex girl and an Irish guy are in a bar when the Essex Girl notices
something strange about the wellies the Irish guy is wearing. She says,
'Scuse me mate, I ain't being funny or nuffink, but why doz one of your
wellies 'ave an L on it and the uva one's got an R on it?'
The Irish guy smiles, puts down his glass of Guinness and replies, 'Well,
I'm a little bit tick you see. The one wit the R on it is for me right
foot and the one wit the L is for me Left foot'
'Cor blimey', exclaims the Essex girl, 'So THATS why me knickers 'ave got
C&A on them!'

Essex Blonde sets her kitchen on fire making French toasts for breakfast. She calls the fire brigade and asks for help.
Fireman - Ok. How can we get to your house?
Girl - Heeeeeeeeelloooooooooo! On a huge red truck!

Q: What's an Essex girls favourite wine?
A: aw go-on take me to lakeside please please go-on take me

31-01-2008, 20:28
That's funny...

i am
31-01-2008, 20:32
not bad

La Vida
02-02-2008, 16:12
hillarious jokes Мольер!)))))))

02-02-2008, 19:21


Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 19:28

тьфу, то есть


02-02-2008, 19:58
Do u think that it is funny?

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:07
It sure is, for fuck's sakes! why not? What's wrong with you, buddy??
Why don't you go outside and start gently fucking yourself, eh? :p :D

ps. have you got any idea what SNAFU actually stands for, you smart ass? ;)

02-02-2008, 20:13
You have so many mistakes in your worlds.
PS. I have not only smart ass, but also smart brain.

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:17
hey, stupid cunt, have you ever heard such a word as 'misprint' ??

go get fucked

ps. don't you try to look smarter than you really are, you dumb shit :p

02-02-2008, 20:17
situation normal, all fucked up.

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:18
bingo, you got A-grade, man :D
that's what it is

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:20
By the way, by putting the word 'Buddy' in red fond, you kinda fucked up, buddy )))

Look it up in your motherfucking dictionary or on the web :p

... and don't ask stupid questions no more :D

02-02-2008, 20:23
Is this new bastard's English language?:eek: Like "preved-medved" in Russia?
PS. Look who's talking!:mad:

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:23

(Hope you know what it means, you dickhead?) :D

02-02-2008, 20:25
Oh, shit! I think than I'll not find these worlds in dictionary.:(

By the way, I don't asked.

02-02-2008, 20:27
What is dillifag?
My dickhead wants to fack:D

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:28
By the way, you're nothing but useless waste of skin :p

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:30
DILLIGAF stands for:
Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? --- that's what I said to you, sweetheart :D

Dickhead is what you wear your hat on :p

02-02-2008, 20:30
Why do u think so?:(

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 20:31
OK, Max Lucifer.

Now you got to fuck off and die, for you're not fun any more.

You are such a boring anima boy, you know...... )))

02-02-2008, 20:35
:( I'm sorry! I feel so shame! I am noting! How will I live with this feeling now?

02-02-2008, 21:00
yo, fella, there are millions of acronyms in the E.l. and no one in the god damn world knows all of them, so why dont u stop behaving like an asshole and just talk bout something... how is that? how bout a talk? a friendly chat?

02-02-2008, 21:07
...cozy chat, huh?

02-02-2008, 21:08
я не куя не понял

02-02-2008, 21:10
what`s than& what does it mean? i didn`t understand...explain, pls

02-02-2008, 21:20
C&A is a clothing company. makes snse now?

02-02-2008, 21:25
your Albanian is good though:D

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 21:58
hey, tell you what.... is that the way you talk to all ladies you ever come across? ;) the word 'fella' is no good at all to address a lady, dude :LOL: Go learn Albanian )))

02-02-2008, 22:04
ooooooooooops...didnt know, u are a she:D

02-02-2008, 22:06
u're fast at editing posts arnt ya, girlie?:D

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 22:13
you betcha, sweetheart! )))
my mom says I am really good in that ;)
i mean doing fast anything i do
to be perfectly honest, she is damn right

02-02-2008, 22:13
by the way, where m i supposed to go to learn albanian? didnt get it...:confused:

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 22:16
some kind of Albanian school, maybe?
how does that sound to you?

02-02-2008, 22:17
sounds like nonsense.

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 22:17
ok, guys
you all are really nice, but i gotta go
sweet dreams! ))

02-02-2008, 22:19
sweet dreams, babe..

Шумелка Мышь
02-02-2008, 22:23
eh? your Albanian is definitely getting better and better :D

see you later, alligator ;)

02-02-2008, 22:25
oh yeah? i try hard...with your help:)
ps. didn't notice the bunch of horseshit thing at first:D
thanx for the correctionz, sounds tougher now:D from your lips it sounds very redneckish:D r u a farmers doughter? born in the south?)))))
alrighty, anyways, i'll see ya soon baboon;)

03-02-2008, 19:40
What the hell is going on?
About Albanian English: it is legal way to make mistakes even if you don't know how it is right to write the world.

03-02-2008, 19:54
albanian english........so sad

La Vida
03-02-2008, 20:03
yo ppl
why when it comes to English noone can just be nice and friendly?!
show me sum luv!;) :D xxx

03-02-2008, 23:01
C&A means "cunt and ass" in the context

04-02-2008, 00:22
Who can transfer smoothly?

The song is ok but needs a lot of work, for one you really need to work on your structure of the song, instead of making it all the same through the entire song how about adding in a break at around 3min, with no beat just some strings etc and then leting it buidl up back to the beat

04-02-2008, 00:26

i had a listen but its not quite what im looking for, what i think is that
it has a lack of good structure, like it needs sections like an intro, outro
for example. i think some of the drums dont sound full enough, compression
can help on things like kick drums and bass lines, i can t really hear a
good bass line, some of the sounds you used are interesting but sometimes
the pitch doesnt sound in tune with the rest.
in general you are on the right track, just keep practicing and try make
tunes like your favourite songs and with time you will get heaps better, but
a good start!

04-02-2008, 00:33

Unfortunately these productions are not what we are looking for.
First off, they are not aggressive enough. Second, the production quality is lacking to a degree that we would have to do considerable amount of work with you in order to get them up to the quality we require for a 12" release.
Third, the tracks themselves are not formatted in a DJ friendly manner. When you understand how vinyl works (unlike digital, and digital djs who have just destroyed dance music completely) and how that matters to a DJ, its clear that these are not suitable for release for the DJ, vinyl or otherwise. There is simply no mixability factor.

04-02-2008, 12:09
there's no love in this place, there are albanians here :D

04-02-2008, 18:14
Make Albanian not love.
To many times used word "Albanian" latest 3 or 4 pages in this theme.
Lets talk about another themes.

La Vida
07-02-2008, 20:11
people like to speak about themselves! :D

what shall we talk about?:rolleyes: :o :)

07-02-2008, 20:19
us, Albanians:p
no seriously, we could speak bout movies, sports or something we all know.
gotta find some common topics.
how bout alpine skiing? any skiing fans?

07-02-2008, 20:30
wtf is going on here о_О
хотя бы пишите приблизительный перевод в 2 слова...
нот еверибоди андерстенд дат ю сэй

07-02-2008, 20:31
"Snowboarder girl"))) how could i not notice it?!
frankly speaking snowboarders is a kind of people i dont understand.
they are all just like one have similar stupid habbits i don't understand!!!
why sitting in the middle of a slope??? why???
there are like from 2 to 5 of them sitting in the middle of the slope and just chatting!!! aint it dangerous? why not move to the side???
just pisses me off every time i see it. it's like sitting in the middle of a highway and smoking a cigarette...just as stupid as this.

La Vida
07-02-2008, 22:18
Actually - I don't smoke and don't like smokers! ;)

Well, don't even know what to say, have you ever tried it? Snowboarding I mean? It is actually a lot of fun. I did try skiing a few times in my life, but I find it a bit more borring, than snowboarding. Yet, I can't say I don't like it! So, as I can see - you like skiing?)

La Vida
07-02-2008, 22:21

do u like going to a gym?
I now try to go there 5 times a week!:D It's a bit wierd, but I enjoy it!

07-02-2008, 22:40
5 times a week!!! damn! isnt it too often???:D i bet soon it'll be no more than 3 days a week:D
used to go to gyms, but now prefer working out at home. i got everything i need here in my room - a sit up bench, a couple of dumbbells, and some training machine, don't really know what it's called, some sort of a steppeing machine...pumping muscles at home is 1. cheaper 2. u can listen to whatever musci u want... 3. u can work out any time of the day u want. but gym is more fun i guess, cuz seeing all those perfect, well built instructors' bodies and female instructors' hot asses inspires u to work out far harder!:p

07-02-2008, 22:48
never tried. don't know why, prbobly just coulnt find the right time for it. yeah i heard that. i mean that it's more fun than skiing. well, cant comment on that so far. all i know is that skiing is faster than snowboarding...:p hope to try snowboarding the next season. another thing that keeps me away from snowboarding is seeing snowboarders hopping awkwardly around the slopes, which looks quite idiotically:D

07-02-2008, 22:49
sorry for replying your posts in the reverse order))) dont know why really)))

La Vida
07-02-2008, 22:55
you got a point and I agree with you in most things. I did skip the trainings tonight already!:(
I used to work out at home all the time before, but then stopped. Now I need to get back in a shape, you know! Going on vacation and need to look perfect or close to it! LOL!
P.S. I listen to my fav music also, because I have an iPod, so it's no problem! And my instructor is very good as well!:)
I like that machine you have! I also like.... hmmmm what do you call it? that machine for running! It's great! Wish I had one at home, but it is too big! The professional one, I mean!:(

La Vida
07-02-2008, 23:01
I hope you will try it also! I'm sure you'll love it! I'm also sure your 1st skiing experience didn't look exactly elegant;):D

La Vida
07-02-2008, 23:08
do we have these kind of machines anywhere?

07-02-2008, 23:17
like where? in one of the rooms?:D
they must have them in fittness centres i guess...

La Vida
07-02-2008, 23:35
my friend just sent me an interesting article!

High heels 'may improve sex life'

Hers may be a little on the high side
Wearing higher heels - although perhaps not stilettos - may improve your pelvic floor muscles and in doing so boost your sex life, a study suggests.
An Italian urologist and self-professed lover of the sexy shoe set out to prove that high heels were not as bad for women's health as some suggest.
The shoe has been linked to a range of problems - from corns to schizophrenia.
But in a letter to European Urology, Dr Maria Cerruto said her research showed it was time to stand up for the heel.
She said her study of 66 women under 50 found that those who held their foot at a 15 degree angle to the ground - the equivalent of a two inch heel - had as good posture as those who wore flat shoes, and crucially showed less electrical activity in their pelvic muscles.
This suggested the muscles were at an optimum position, which could well improve their strength and ability to contract.
The pelvic floor muscles are an essential component of the female body. As well as assisting sexual performance and satisfaction, they provide vital support to the pelvic organs, which include the bladder, bowels and uterus.
But they often weaken after pregnancy and childbirth, and as the woman gets older. There are exercises to strengthen them, but Dr Cerruto hopes her findings may eliminate the need for these.
"Women often have difficulty in carrying out the right exercises for the pelvic zone and wearing heels could be the solution," she said.
"Like many women, I like high-heeled shoes," she added. "It's good to know they have potential health benefits."
Gill Brook, a women's health physiotherapist in Bradford, stressed the findings did not suggest that stilettos were a good thing for those keen on improving their pelvic floor function.
"But for women who like a slightly higher heel, these are reassuring findings - although we haven't yet done away with the need for regular exercises to maintain what is such an important part of the female body."


13-02-2008, 17:37
An English professor wrote the words:

" A woman without her man is nothing"

on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate
it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:

"A woman, without her man, is nothing."

All the females in the class wrote:

"A woman: without her, man is nothing."

15-02-2008, 20:42
:D Where did you get it?
Yeah, it's better way if you have your own gym-room and lots of money;)

15-02-2008, 20:46
What about music? ;)

18-02-2008, 22:57
Femenistic bitches!

22-02-2008, 01:00
Я есть приехать из Мончестер и плохо расгофаривать по руссиш
Иебать мой ***!:D

22-02-2008, 01:07
Hi everybody! :) What's today's topic we can talk about? ;)

La Vida
23-02-2008, 01:50
let's talk about holidays and vacations!!!;) :D

24-02-2008, 01:01
Vacations? Get drunk & go to sleep... Not interesting..